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1. What is a FOID card?
A FOID or Firearm Owners Identification Card is required for any resident of Illinois to possess or purchase firearms or ammunition. FOID cards are NOT required in the State of Florida.
2. I live outside the State of Florida but will be traveling there. Can I legally carry my handgun while there?
Non-Florida residents are granted a limited exception to lawfully carry a concealed firearm within a vehicle if they are eligible to carry a firearm in public under the laws of their own state.
3. I found a gun at an online store in another state that I would like to purchase. Can I do this?
Absolutely! There are some great deals to be found online through sites such as and others. When you make a purchase from an out-of-state dealer, you will need to provide him with a Florida FFL licensed dealer to be able to legally transfer the gun to you. The Florida dealer will forward a copy of his FFL license to the seller. Once the firearm is received, you will need to complete the required paperwork (Federal Form ATF 4473) and a background check will be run through the Florida State Police. Once an approval is received and after the mandatory waiting period (24 hours for long guns and 72 hours for handguns), your new firearm can be transferred to you. Upon taking possession of the firearm, it must be unloaded and enclosed in a case for transport. There is typically a transfer fee charged for this service. Before purchasing, it is advised that you make local transfer arrangements. T.C.B Gun Works can do an FFL transfer for residents of the State of Florida.
4. What is required to obtain a Florida Concealed Weapon License?
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services will grant permits to qualified applicants age 21 or older who can display competency with a firearm. Please see our Concealed Carry page for more information and a link to the Florida Department of Agriculture website.
5. Will my Florida Concealed Weapon License cover any other states?
Currently, a Florida Concealed Weapon License will allow the permit holder to carry concealed firearms in 37 states (including Florida) and additional states may be added as time goes on. For more information on reciprocity– go to
6. Are there magazine capacity restrictions in the State of Florida?
Florida does NOT have a restriction on magazine size.
Got more questions you would like answered– just 'shoot' us an e-mail and we will be happy to get you the information you are looking for!
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